Sins from Her Past (Scandalous) Read online

Page 5

  “Nobody hurt me.” She tilted her chin. “I just want to be clear. I’m not one of your playthings. So if you only came out here to paw at me, I’m going inside. I have emails I need to check anyway.”

  She sloshed water up onto her legs as she moved back toward her towel and bag. Okay, so maybe she was running away, but Vin was getting too close, too involved in her personal, private life.

  Without looking back, she grabbed her stuff and made her way back to the hotel and into the penthouse. Safely behind the locked door of her room she changed into a tank-style sundress and booted up her laptop.

  It was coming up on lunchtime, but she wasn’t coming out of her room until she absolutely had to. She could get some work done without Vin. Besides, he wanted her ideas and she needed to finish her plans.

  After pulling up his designs for the new resort, she grabbed her sketch pad and began doing some preliminary drawings for space and lighting ideas.

  He wanted something different than his usual, but he still wanted classy. In her mind the only way to go was exotic. It screamed romance, sex and class, all in one. And since the resort was going to be in Maui she knew the sultry, exotic theme would be a hit.

  As she delved right into her work, she lost track of time, ignored when Vin knocked on her door and even ignored her cell. All she wanted to do was concentrate on something she could control.

  Chapter Five

  “What the hell is up with Evie?” Vin demanded.

  “What are you talking about?” Dylan asked. “I just spoke with her this morning and she sounded fine. She said you were a pain in the ass, which is normal, so I thought all was well.”

  Vin stared across the spacious living room to her closed door. She’d been behind it for nearly six hours. He’d knocked, he’d called her cell, he’d texted her—and nothing. He could hear her pecking away at her keyboard; otherwise he would’ve knocked down the door to see if she was alive.

  And how could Vin explain that when he’d touched Evelyn she looked ready to pass out one second and the next she looked ready to deck him? Dylan certainly wouldn’t want to hear about him groping Evelyn.

  “Must be my imagination,” he corrected. “How are you doing back in your old house?”

  “Bittersweet,” Dylan said. “I’m excited to be fixing it up, but the memories are all still here.”

  “It’ll get easier. How about a cookout at my place when we get back?”

  “When will that be?”

  Vin propped his feet on the squatty glass coffee table. “I have one more event scheduled here and then we’ll be back in the States. I’d say no later than Friday.”

  “We’ll plan on something this weekend then. I’ll call Alan, and if Rick is in town he can come, but with his campaign kicking up, I doubt he’ll be in.”

  “Sounds good, Dyl.”

  “Try not to annoy Evie too much.” Dylan laughed. “See you soon.”

  Vin disconnected the call and tossed his phone beside him on the sofa. Annoy Evie? He was the one annoyed. She was ice and fire, all rolled into one sexy, curvy bikini package.

  One minute they’d be flirting, the next she’d go pasty white and flee the scene. Someone had hurt her, but Dylan had never said a word, and to his knowledge she’d never had a steady boyfriend. How in the hell could a twenty-five-year-old, healthy, vibrant woman be so shy about sexual attraction?

  Even though they’d been friends for years, he had no clue about her personal life with other men. Perhaps she was inexperienced. He prayed that’s all her insecurities and vulnerabilities stemmed from because just the thought of anyone hurting her made him physically ill. Perhaps that is what made her so cautious, but maybe their friendship was a plus for him.

  No matter the past and what she kept locked inside, Evelyn was special to him and he knew she was worth any effort and all of his patience.

  Vin glanced at the clock again and noticed it was just after six. She hadn’t come out all day to eat and it was damn time she did. He called room service and ordered an insane amount of food for them. After he got the table all set up on the balcony and the food was delivered, he went to her door and knocked again. Nothing.


  He listened and didn’t even hear the pecking of keys. When he tried the knob, it was locked, but the door hadn’t latched completely. He pushed it open and eased on in.

  Across the room, Evelyn lay on her side, her laptop open before her and a sketch pad with sheets of paper torn out and thrown onto the floor and all around her. And she was dead asleep.

  The little dress she had on rode up in the back, showcasing that round ass he’d been mocked with earlier at the beach. He grew hard just looking at it.

  As he moved closer he noticed the swell of one breast was dangerously close to popping out of her dress. Her unpainted lips were parted and he couldn’t help but relive what it was like to taste her. Damn he wanted her. But he couldn’t even make another move until he knew what the hell he was dealing with.

  His hand slid over her knee. “Evelyn.”

  She stirred a little, but didn’t open her eyes.

  “Evie,” he said a bit louder as his hand stroked from her knee down. He didn’t trust himself to touch near her very exposed thigh. “Time to wake up.”

  In one move she was not only awake, she’d sprung off the bed and had her fisted hands held up in front of her in a fighter’s stance. Her eyes were wide, her hair smashed on one side, but it was her coloring, or lack thereof that had him stepping back with his hands up, palms out.

  “It’s okay,” he assured her. “You’re okay.”

  “Vin?” She shook her head and rubbed her eyes as if she was trying to focus. “I’m sorry. I was…dreaming and you startled me.”

  He didn’t ignore the fact she was trembling. “Must’ve been a hell of a dream.”

  “I don’t remember,” she told him, her eyes darting to the left. A sure sign she was lying. “I guess I fell asleep while working.”

  He wasn’t going to push—yet—but soon he’d find out what nightmares plagued her…especially since he was ready to enter into another level of their relationship.

  “I’ve set up dinner on the balcony if you’d like to join me,” he offered. “Maybe we can discuss what you were working on.”

  “Just give me a couple minutes. I’ll be right out.”

  Vin nodded, turned and left her alone to freshen up…or recoup from the nightmare. He wasn’t known for his patience so seeing her struggle was not something he was comfortable with. And why the hell was he allowing himself to be caught up in her personal business? Yes, they’d known each other for years, but he had a private life and obviously so did she. If she wanted to discuss what was bothering her, she would.

  So why did he let her actions bother him so?

  Because he wasn’t afraid to admit that he’d had stronger feelings for her than those of just a friend. Sexual desires tended to override common sense. But if he truly wanted to help, then he needed to be a friend and let her open up if and when she chose to.

  Evelyn stood in her luxurious bathroom and splashed cool water on her face. Of all the times for Vin to walk in on her, it had been when she’d been having one of her dreams.

  She could only assume the nightmares were triggered by moving back home. Of course, she hadn’t seen the man who’d nearly ruined her, but she knew it was only a matter of time.

  She had to get these emotions under control. This was her life and she damn well was going to remain in control, no matter what skeletons came tumbling out of her closet.

  “Pathetic,” she muttered to her reflection.

  Between her dark circles and her nappy hair on the one side, she was the epitome of haggard. And here she’d prided herself for years in keeping it together and presenting a strong front.

  So much for being strong. She’d felt a hand on her leg in the midst of a dream about a piece of her past and she’d freaked out. Poor Vin. He wasn’t the type to sit ba
ck and remain quiet. He’d expect answers and he deserved them if they were going to be spending so much time together.

  He also deserved the right to replace her since she was apparently a little crazy.

  After applying a bit of concealer and a sheer gloss, Evie pulled her hair back into a low ponytail at the nape of her neck. She straightened her dress and padded barefoot out onto the balcony.

  Vin stood against the railing, feet crossed at his ankles as he was working on his phone. As soon as he spotted her, he slid it into his pocket and straightened.

  Squaring her shoulders, she clasped her hands in front of her and stood in the open doorway.

  “I owe you an explanation,” she started before he could say anything. “But I’m sorry, I can’t tell you that part of my life. I understand if you want to use another designer for this project.”

  Vin’s brows drew together as he stepped forward. “Evie, do you really think I’d replace you because you have some obvious issues with intimacy? Or because I caught you at a weak moment? You must really think I’m a complete asshole.”

  Evelyn released a sigh and smiled. “I don’t think you’re an asshole, Vin, but I do know your business is your life.”

  “I’d never throw a friend under the bus just because they have some problems.” He moved around the table and pulled out her chair. “So what do you say you sit, eat and tell me what you were working on earlier?”

  Evelyn took the seat he offered, pleased he hadn’t pushed and surprised he was taking her lame explanation in place of an answer he wanted.

  “I’d like to take the Maui resort into an exotic, yet sultry theme,” she told him as he wheeled the cart over and uncovered several dishes. “Good Lord, Vin, how many more people are dining with us?”

  He smiled and set the silver-domed lids aside. “Just us, but you skipped lunch and I ordered all your favorites.”

  The sweet gesture touched her. “You know my favorites? That’s one hell of a memory you have.”

  “Not hard to remember,” he told her. “We have the same taste in food.”

  “So you ordered your favorites,” she joked as he put a healthy dose of fruit and fruit dip on her small plate.

  “I’ll have you know I ordered coconut cream pie, which I hate, but I know you love.” He flashed her a smile as he placed a plate of filet mignon and mashed potatoes in front of her. “Now eat up. You’re going to need your strength if we’re going to tackle this design because I hate exotic themes.”

  She froze with a strawberry at her lips. “You’re kidding.”

  “Did I mention I’m difficult to work with?”

  When he only winked and grinned, Evelyn knew this was going to be one project that may be infuriating, but it would probably be the most interesting of all her work thus far.

  Working with Vin would no doubt bring them even closer and with his obvious interest in her on a personal level, Evelyn wondered if this was the man she was meant to open up with. Was he the one who would help her overcome her fears, her nightmares?

  Vin had always been a big part of her life and she worried about the risk involved in letting such an important figure take over an extra piece of her heart. But she had to try because she knew Vin would rather die than hurt her purposefully.

  And she felt the same way about him, which just proved to her that Vin was worth the risk of laying her heart and vulnerabilities out there for him to see.

  Now she just had to come up with the courage to confront him and come clean about her past.

  Chapter Six

  Back on his own turf, Vin waited for his houseguests. Though Dylan, Evelyn and Alan were hardly guests. Dylan and Alan had shared an apartment with him the last three years of college and another year after. And Evelyn certainly wasn’t a guest, considering he’d fantasized about her, tasted her and spent the past week with her. Mostly clothed, which was a damn shame.

  Not to mention she’d fueled his fantasies for the past several years. With her cool exterior and quick wit, he wanted to dig deeper to uncover more. But he had no right. He wasn’t her boyfriend, wasn’t even her lover—they’d been friends through her brother and Alan and that certainly didn’t give him the right to learn any more than she was willing to share.

  Just as he was lighting the grill, Dylan and Evelyn came through the patio doors.

  “You mean you don’t have my dinner ready?” Dylan growled. “What kind of host are you?”

  Vin flipped Dylan the finger. “Grab a beer and munch on the chips and salsa while you wait.”

  “I’m good with the appetizers,” Evelyn said as she set her tote and pool towel over a lounge chair. “I’ve been working all day and totally skipped out on lunch.”

  “You’ve got to stop that,” Dylan told her. “Remember what your doctor told you?”

  Vin jerked his head around. “Doctor?”

  Evie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “He’s overreacting.”

  Dylan rested his hands on his hips as he stood over the cooler. “An ulcer isn’t something to be taken lightly, so quit skipping meals and popping antacids.”

  Evelyn squinted and glared at her brother. “I’m fine. Can we drop it? Besides, losing about ten pounds wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “Your damn weight is fine, so eat up, and if you’re going to argue I’ll toss your ass into the pool,” Vin threatened. “Dyl, go into the kitchen and grab those steaks from the fridge.”

  “What do you need me to do?” Evelyn asked.

  Get naked and wait for him in his room? She looked too tempting with her black, tank-style dress, which was used as a cover-up. He wondered what her suit looked like and prayed it was one of those skimpy ones with triangles and strings. But he knew better. Too bad. He’d love to see more of that shapely body.

  Vin moved to the cooler, opened the lid and took out a bottle of water. “Just enjoy yourself and relax.”

  She took the water he offered, twisted the lid off and took a long drink. The column of her throat mocked him as he envisioned kissing his way from her lips down to her breasts.

  In a small area of his mind he knew she was purposely torturing him. How could she not know that he was in a constant state of arousal around her?

  And the fact she harbored secrets only added to her sex appeal, because he wanted to uncover every layer, every piece of her until he had his fill of the beautiful, alluring Evelyn.

  Vin was thankful when Dylan came back with the meat. At least he had something other than his teen-style hormones to concentrate on.

  “Where’s Alan?” Dylan asked. “Thought he was coming.”

  Vin shrugged. “He said he was, but I’m starving, so he can eat when he gets here.”

  They all worked together getting dinner set up on the glass patio table. Vin purposely sat across from Evelyn so he could have a beautiful view. Her sweet lavender scent followed him, her rich laughter mocked him and her sparkling gaze that locked onto his now and then only proved that she wasn’t immune to this chemistry.

  “That was so good, Vin,” Dylan said, leaning back in his patio chair. “You’d make someone a great wife.”

  “Kiss my ass.”

  Evelyn stood, started stacking the plates. “If you two want to swim, I’ll clean up.”

  Vin came to his feet. “You’re not cleaning up. Go ahead and get in the pool.” Torture me some more in a bathing suit that will be wet and plastered to your body. “I’ll pick up and be right out.”

  “But you cooked.” She eyed him across the table with the stack of dirty plates in her hands. “That’s hardly fair to do the cleanup too.”

  “While you two argue over who gets to be the maid, I’m taking a dip in the pool,” Dylan said as he toed off his shoes and ripped his shirt off over his head. “If you’re still bickering when I’m done cooling off, I’ll do it myself.”

  Without another word, Dylan walked to the edge of the pool and dove right in with hardly a splash.

  Evelyn turned toward the house
and Vin filled his arms with cups, napkins and the large salad bowl. He entered just behind her and shut the glass patio door with his foot. When Evelyn put her stuff down, she turned toward him.

  “Here, I’ll take the bowl.”

  “I got it,” he told her.

  She backed away and leaned against the island counter. “You are one stubborn man, Vin.”

  He set everything down and faced her. “Are you the pot or the kettle?” he asked.

  With her arms crossed beneath her breasts, lifting them to showcase the cleavage beneath her sheer swim cover-up, he nearly drooled right there. Yeah, that would certainly make her want to jump in bed.

  “Why don’t you go on out and enjoy this time with Dylan,” he suggested. “He’s really missed you. And I’m leaving the food out anyway in case Alan comes. I wonder why he didn’t call or text to say he wasn’t coming. That’s not like him.”

  “Maybe he did, but I didn’t look at my phone.” Her chin tilted, arms crossed over her chest. “I don’t mind helping you.”

  He smiled. “I know. Really. It’ll just take me a minute.”

  “Come join us,” she told him. “We can all do the dishes later.”

  “I’ll be right out,” he lied. Because if he went out now and saw her in a suit, he would have to hide his boner for the rest of the evening, but he knew if he didn’t agree she’d never leave.

  Evelyn eyed him and quirked her brow. “Don’t make me come back in and drag you out.”

  He waited until she was outside before he exhaled a breath. Damn. Each moment he spent with her he wanted more. He’d thought the distance between them over the past several years would squelch this burn he had for her. But it was hotter than ever.

  He watched through the French doors as she slid her bathing suit cover-up off over her luscious body and slung it over a chaise lounge…and, sweet mercy, she had on a simple black one piece that dipped low in the back. With her dark hair tumbling down her back, she looked like some exotic beauty that had filled his wet dreams as an adolescent…and an adult.